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Meaningful Dohas for children

Updated: May 31, 2024

What do you understand by the word “Doha"?

Dohas are like catchy couplets, often used in traditional Indian poetry, especially in languages like Hindi and Urdu. They're usually short and sweet, packed with wisdom or storytelling of ancient Hindu philosophical teachings. They serve as a practical way to transmit the core principles of Hindu philosophy, making complex ideas more accessible and memorable.

Here are 5 interesting dohas for children:

Doha 1

Source: Kabir Das

kabir das ke dohe

जल में कुंभ कुंभ में जल है, बाहर भीतर पानी।

फूटा कुंभ जल जल ही समाया, यही तथ्य कथ्यो ज्ञानी।।


It says the world is like many pots in water. Also, there is water in each of these pots. So, there is water outside the pots as well as inside the pots. When a pot breaks, there is no difference in the water inside and outside the pot.


In this doha Kabir Das uses the analogy of a pot and water to convey a spiritual message. When the pot (symbolizing the individual’s ego) shatters, it merges with the universal divine essence. This signifies the dissolution of ego and the realization of oneness with God.

Watch this video to know more on this topic

To read and explore more on this doha buy our book 'Discovering God'.


Doha 2

Source: Ramcharitmanas

ramchritmanas ke dohe

सगुनहि अगुनहि नहिं कछु भेदा।

गावहिं मुनि पुरान बुध बेदा ॥

अगुन अरूप अलख अज जोई।

भगत प्रेम बस सगुन सो होई ॥


There is no difference between God with form and God without form, so say the wise men, the Vedas and the Puranas. That which is formless and qualityless is compelled to take form due to the love of the devotee.


There is a longstanding debate whether or not God has a form. Tulsidas, the author of this shloka, says that God is both with form and formless. The formless God has a form in the eyes of the devotee.

Watch this video to know more on this topic


Doha 3

Source: Kabir Das Ji

kabir das ke dohe

पानी में मीन प्यासी रे।

मुझे सुन सुन आवे हासी रे॥


In the water, the fish is thirsty, hearing this makes me laugh.


This illustrates a situation where someone is in need of something that is readily available or abundant, which sounds silly.

Kabir Das reminds us that we already have what we are searching for.

This Doha can be recited in school.


Doha 4

Source: Ramcharitmanas

ramchritmanas ke dohe

हरि अनंत हरि कथा अनंता। कहहिं सुनहिं बहुबिधि सब संता।

रामचंद्र के चरित सुहाए। कलप कोटि लगि जाहिं न गाए॥


Hari (हरि, Vishnuji) is infinite, and his stories are infinite. Saints sing and hear them in many different ways. The beautiful stories of Ram cannot be sung in millions of years and lives.


There are so many stories of God in our books, and some differ from the others. The poet says there is no contradiction in this. God is infinite. God's stories are infinite- many more than those recorded in our books. We could discover new ones ourselves!

Watch this video to know more on this topic


Doha 5

Source: Guru Granth Sahib

gurugranth sahib ke dohe

एक ओंकार सतिनाम, करता पुरखु निरभऊ।

निरबैर, अकाल मूरत, अजुनी, सैभं गुर प्रसादि।।


There is only one God. His name is God. He is a creator. He is without fear. He is without hate. He is beyond time. He is beyond birth and death. He is self-existent.


This verse concisely describes the One Universal God as per Sikhism, expressed in the Mool Mantar. It signifies God being eternal, creator, fearless, without enmity, beyond birth and death, self-illuminating, and reachable through divine grace. It contains the core beliefs of Sikhism, emphasizing the oneness and the greatness of God.


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