Maa Kushmanda Story: Goddess of Light - Day 4 Navratri
This story teaches us that when we spread happiness and warmth everywhere around us, it brings immense pleasure to ourselves and others.

Maa Kushmanda Mantra
वन्दे वांछित कामर्थे चन्द्रार्घकृत शेखराम्।
सिंहरूढ़ा अष्टभुजा कूष्माण्डा यशस्वनीम्॥
Vande vanchhita kamarthe chandrardhakrita shekharam
Simharudha ashtabhuja Kushmanda yashasvaneem
In the Dibang valley at the foot of the Purvanchal mountains, there lived a beautiful young girl Nayantara. She had broad brown eyes, long black silky hair, rosy red cheeks, and a sharp nose. Everyone in the town said that God had personally handcrafted her as she was very pretty. She also had a beautiful heart and a smiling face. She was a happy child radiating positive energy everywhere.

One day, while playing around in the park, a small girl Deepti approached her.
She said, “Didi, I have seen you always smiling and encouraging everyone. Your warmth and powerful aura bring a lot of happiness and hope to all of us. I also want to be like you. How do you stay like this all the time?”
Nayantara said, “Deepti, Maa Kushmanda has helped me a lot in this. Earlier I would get irritated very fast. Instead of being cheerful, I would get angry.”
Deepti said, “Didi, who is Maa Kushmanda? How has she helped you? Will she help me also? Can I meet her?”
Nayantara laughed and said, “Deepti, you cannot meet her personally, but you can definitely feel her presence around. And yes, surely she will help you. Let me tell you more about Maa Kushmanda.”
“Maa Kushmanda is a form of Maa Durga worshipped on the fourth day of Navratri. After the defeat of the demon Jatukasura, the entire Universe was on the verge of complete darkness. The life was about to end and the world was about to collapse. Devi Durga took the form of Devi Kushmanda and recreated the universe. Her little smile, her warmth, and her positive energy brought life back. We are living on this Earth because Kushmanda Mata created all of us.”
Deepti said, “That is okay, but how did the Devi help you?
Nayantara smiled and said, “The story of Maa Kushmanda really motivated me and I decided that I would spread smiles, comfort, and kindness wherever I go. I prayed to the Devi and I could see the change in me. Worshipping her helped me to spread happiness and positivity.”
Deepti was really happy and excited to know the secret behind Nayantara’s joy and powerful aura. She learned that spreading cheerfulness and warmth brings happiness to ourselves and others.
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Story type: Religious, Motivational
Age: 7+years; Class: 3+