Maa Skandamata Story: Goddess of Protection: Day 5 Navratri
This story teaches us to be kind and caring, but also strong and brave when needed.

Maa Skandamata Mantra
सिंहासनगता नित्यं पद्माश्रितकरद्वया।
शुभदास्तु सदा देवी स्कन्दमाता यशस्विनी॥
Simhasanagata nityam padmashrita karadvaya
Shubhadastu sada devi Skandamata yashasvini
In a village near the city of Kumarakom in Kerela, lived a young and energetic lady, Nitya. She would work all day on the farms to earn money for herself and her family. She was blessed with two children, Raja and Rani. Nitya was a caring and loving mother and a great teacher for her children. Every day, in the evening, when she returned from the farms, she would spend time with her children.
In the nearby house, lived a young boy Deva. He would often peep from his house and see Nitya teaching Raja and Rani martial arts. One day, when Nitya was teaching martial arts, Deva went to her and asked, “Aunty Ji, why do you teach Raja and Rani martial arts? Why don’t you rest when you return from the farm? You must be tired working the whole day.”

Nitya smiled and said, “Deva, I teach them because it is important. Learning martial arts will make them strong, they can protect themselves and also protect others, when I am not around. That is what Skandmata did with her son.”
Deva was curious to know more, so he asked, “Aunty, who is Skandamata? Who is her son? What did she teach him? Why is it important to learn?
Nitya said, “Oh my Deva! So many questions! Let me explain to you.
Skandamata is a form of Maa Durga worshipped on the fifth day of Navratri. She is a loving and caring mother. She is the mother of Skanda, who is also known as Kartikeya. Kartikeya is son of Bhagwan Shiva and Maa Parvati.
There was a demon Tarakasura. He could only be defeated by the child of Bhagwan Shiva and Devi Parvati. When Skanda was born, Maa Parvati transformed herself into Skandamata and took care of her son. She also taught him, how to fight the demon. Skandamata made him strong and bold so that he could lead his life with strength and courage.
Dear Deva, when I learned about Skandamata, I also thought of teaching good moral values and martial arts to my children. It is important to be physically and mentally strong to fight life battles.”
Deva was really happy and excited to learn about Skandamata. He asked. “Aunty, can I also come from tomorrow to learn martial arts along with Raja and Rani? I also want to be strong like them, so that I can protect myself and others.”
Nitya replied, “Sure! why not? Of course, you can also learn.”
Deva returned home, shared everything he learned about Skandamata with his mother, and kept this lesson in his heart: to always be loving and caring, but also bold and brave.
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Story type: Religious, Motivational
Age: 7+years; Class: 3+