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Krishna Childhood Stories


Updated: Dec 2, 2024

krishna with his flute and cow in the back

Let us hear the best stories of Balkrishna and get ready for adventures, funny moments, and important lessons. Join us as we explore new worlds and have loads of fun together with Krishna and his exciting experiences.


Krishna Birth Story

Bhagwan Krishna's birth story is one of the most exciting and adventurous stories of all time. Krishna's birth story is recorded in the Bhagavatam as well. Read this amazing story to know that truth and goodness always win over evil.

Long ago, in the city of Mathura, there was an evil king named Kansa. Kansa had a sister named Devaki. Kansa arranged Devaki's marriage to...

krishna and the fruit seller sukhiya

Balkrishna loved sweet fruits. One day, Sukhiya, a fruit vendor, came to Gokul. Seeing Krishna's desire for the fruits, she asked him to give some wheat in return. But see what happened when Krishna returned with some wheat grains, making this one of the sweetest spiritual stories.

Krishna and Kalia Naag

Dive into the waters of the Yamuna River with Krishna to fight Kaliya Nag defeating him with courage and power. Read this beautiful story to develop love and compassion.

One day, Krishna and his friends were playing with a ball by the bank of the Yamuna River. While playing, their ball accidentally fell into...


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Krishna Lifted Govardhan Parvat

This Krishna childhood story tells us to perform our duty without expecting anything in return. Read the story to know how little Krishna saved the people of Vrindavan from the anger of Indra Dev and at the same time made Indra Dev realize his mistake.

Once Krishna saw that the people of Vrindavan were busy preparing for a puja with great excitement. Krishna asked his father Nand what puja they were preparing for. Nand told Krishna that since the rainy season was...

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Jan 27
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

A big Thanks for storys.

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