Krishna is a special god in Hinduism, considered the eighth avatar of bhagwan Vishnu. He is a representation of divine qualities that every devotee of him wants to inculcate in himself. Krishna stands as the mark of the ultimate truth and supreme reality. He teaches us to do the right thing and always be kind to others.
myNachiketa presents 10 mantras of bhagwan Krishna for children, which are chanted in his praise. These powerful mantras help in experiencing God's presence within and forming a connection with him.

1. Mantra
हरे कृष्ण, हरे कृष्ण,
कृष्ण कृष्ण, हरे हरे
हरे राम, हरे राम,
राम राम, हरे हरे
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna,
Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama,
Rama Rama, Hare Hare
Source: Hare Krishna maha-mantra
Hare Krishna maha-mantra is a prayer to Bhagwan Krishna and Bhagwan Rama for solving our problems and blessing us with knowledge and wisdom. By reciting this mantra, we seek his love and protection, feeling his presence in our lives.

2. Mantra
करारविन्दे न पदारविन्दं मुखारविन्दे
विनिवेशयन्तं वटस्य पत्रस्य पूटे शयानं बालं मुकुन्दं मनसा स्मरामि।
Kararavinde Na Padaravindam Mukharavinde ViniveshayantamVatasya Patrasya Pute Shayanam Balam Mukundam Manasa Smarami.
Source: Bala Mukunda Ashtakam
This Krishna mantra glorifies the adorable and the divine infant form of Krishna which is also known as Mukunda, who sleeps in a Banyan leaf. He is the one who puts his lotus-like feet to His mouth, with the help of His hands.
He is always joyful and brings happiness to everyone around him. Krishna is a symbol of happiness and contentment. He teaches us to seek happiness in every little thing in our lives.
To get a deeper understanding on these quotes read our books.

3. Mantra
वसुदेवसुतं देवं कंसचाणूरमर्दनम्।
देवकीपरमानन्दं कृष्णं वंदे जगद्गुरुम्॥
Vasudevasutam Devam Kamsa Chanura Mardanam
Devaki Paramanandam Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum.
Source: Krishna Ashtakam
This mantra praises Bhagwan Krishna, the son of Vasudeva, who defeated the demons Kamsa and Chanura. He is the source of supreme bliss and the spiritual guide of the universe.
By chanting this mantra, we express our love and devotion towards Krishna. This mantra can deepen our connection with Krishna and make us feel protected in his embrace of love.

4. Mantra
नमो ब्रह्माण्ड देवाये, गो ब्राह्मण हिताय च ।
जगत धिताय कृष्णाय, गोविन्दाय नमो नमः॥
namo brahmanya-devaya, go-brahmana-hitaya ch.
jagad-dhitaya krishnaya, govindaya namo namah.
Source: Vishnu Puran
This Krishna mantra teaches us to bow to Krishna, the well-wisher of animals and humans. He is the supreme power of the universe and takes care of every being. By connecting with Krishna through this mantra we feel safe and blessed.
Watch this video to get a deeper understanding on these quotes.

5. Mantra
ॐ कृष्णाय वासुदेवाय हरये परमात्मने।
प्रणत: क्लेशनाशाय गोविंदाय नमो नम:॥
Om Krishnaya Vasudevaya Haraye Paramatmane Pranatah Kleshanashaya Govindaya Namo Namah.
Source: Krishna Vasudevaya Mantra
In this Krishna mantra, we show respect to Krishna who protects us from pain and suffering and empowers us to understand the truth and God.

6. Mantra
ऊँ नमो भगवते श्रीगोविन्दाय नम:
Om Namo Bhagavate Shri Govindaya Namaha
This Krishna mantra teaches us to bow down to Krishna, also known as Govinda who is the creator of the universe and the caregiver of every being.
We should learn to be kind and caring towards others like Krishna.
To get a deeper understanding on these quotes read our books.

7. Mantra
ॐ श्री कृष्णः शरणं ममः
Om Sri Krishnah sharanam mamah
Source: Shri krishna ashtakshara mantra
In this Krishna Mantra, we pray to Krishna that he keeps us in his grace and protects us from all troubles.
We can face every challenge of life when we know that God is supporting us.

8. Mantra
ॐ देवकीनंदनाय विद्महे वासुदेवाय धीमहि तन्नो कृष्णः प्रचोदयात्।
Om Devaki Nandanaya Vidmahe, Vasudevaya Dhimahi, Tanno Krishna Prachodayat
Source: Krishna Gayatri Mantra
This Krishna mantra tells us to pray to Krishna, the son of Devaki and Vasudeva, who always guides us in the right direction. May he inspire us to develop qualities like him that make us happy and blissful.

9. Mantra
ॐ कृष्णाय नमः
ॐ कृष्णाय नमः
Om Krishnaya Namaha
Om Krishnaya Namaha
Source: Krishna Moola Mantra
In this Krishana mantra, we ask Krishna to be with us, guide us, and fill our hearts with love and joy. It's like having a super friend who makes everything better! Remembering Krishna can make us happy and peaceful, just like being with a good friend.
This Krishna mantra is used in various devotional practices to seek the blessings, protection, and guidance of Krishna.
10. Mantra

वृन्दावनेश्वरी राधा कृष्णो वृन्दावनेश्वरः।
जीवनेन धने नित्यं राधाकृष्णगतिर्मम ॥
Vrindavanesvari Radha Krishna Vrindavanesvarah
Jivanena dhane nityam Radha Krishna-gatir mama
Source: Radha Krishna mantra
This Mantra Portrays Radha as the queen of Vrindavan and Krishna as the Ishwar of Vrindavan. We pray to be in their love and care.
This mantra highlights the true friendship of Radha and Krishna to convey the importance of kindness, friendship, and spreading happiness. We should choose friends who support and guide us in the right direction.
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हरे कृष्ण!
Om Krishna Vasudevaya 🙏