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Guru Purnima Quotes

Updated: Jul 14

कबीर दास के दोहे

Guru Purnima (also known as Vyasa Purnima) is a religious festival celebrated yearly to show gratitude and acknowledge the significance of our gurus (teachers) who have imparted knowledge and wisdom to us, their shishyas (students). Our gurus are our guiding light who lead us to the path of content and success. We must be thankful for the unconditional love and blessings they shower on us. myNachiketa presents some inspirational Guru Purnima Quotes illuminating the guru-shishya relationship that can be shared among your friends. Happy Guru Purnima!

 Guru Purnima Quote 1

1. Quote

A true Guru is like a magical guide who helps create, protect, and change things for the better. We show our Guru the deepest respect.


गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णुः गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः ।

गुरुः साक्षात् परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः ॥

gurur brahmaa gurur vishnuh gurur devo maheshwrah

guruh saakshaat param brahma tasmai shree gurve namah

Source: Guru Mantra


Children, guru is a form of God on this planet. He represents the creator, Lord Brahma, the sustainer, Lord Vishnu, and the destroyer, Lord Shiva. He creates and sustains knowledge and destroys the weeds of ignorance. We should always love and respect our teachers because of the invaluable knowledge they have given us.


 Guru Purnima Quote 2

2. Quote

A great teacher is wise, skilled, kind, and always learning. They are intelligent and supportive.


विद्वत्त्वं दक्षता शीलं संक्रान्तिरनुशीलनम्।

शिक्षकस्य गुणाः सप्त सचेतस्त्वं प्रसन्नता॥

Vidvattvam dakshataa shilam samkraantiranushilanam

shikshakasya gunaah sapta sachetastvam prasannataa

Source: Bhaja Govindam


Children, our gurus have seven qualities in them i.e. intelligence, smartness, good conduct, teaching skills, repeated study, awareness and kindness. We should acquire good behaviour and gain from their knowledge. Our teachers inspire us to work hard and never give up. They are always kind to their students. For instance, our teachers happily answer when we have a question because they enjoy helping us learn. 

To get a deeper understanding on these quotes read our books.


 Guru Purnima Quote 3

3. Quote

Respect leads to service, and serving the Guru brings knowledge. Knowledge brings clarity, and detachment brings freedom from pain.


विनयफलं शुश्रूषा गुरुशुश्रूषाफलं श्रुतं ज्ञानम्।

ज्ञानस्य फलं विरतिः विरतिफलं चाश्रवनिरोधः॥

vinayaphalam shushrushaa gurushushrushaaphalam shrutam jyaanam

jyaanasya phalam viratih viratiphalam chashravanirodhah

Source: Vivekachudamani


Children, we should always be humble because that leads us to the divine service to our gurus. If we serve our gurus, we get the boon of knowledge and wisdom. Right knowledge helps us do good karma (right actions) which finally takes us closer to god. For instance, if we help others, it makes us feel very nice. And feeling content in ourselves is the ultimate goal of our lives.

 Guru Purnima Quote 4

4. Quote

A Guru teaches you things you can't learn anywhere else. With a Guru's blessing, you can achieve anything, for sure.


गुरौ न प्राप्यते यत्तन्नान्यत्रापि हि लभ्यते।

गुरुप्रसादात सर्वं तु प्राप्नोत्येव न संशयः॥

gurau na prapyate yattanna anyatraapi hi labhyate

guru prasaadaata sarvam tu praapnot yeva na samshayah

Source: Skanda Purana


Children, we should always be grateful to our teachers who have given us knowledge that is not obtainable from somewhere else. With the blessings of our teachers, we can achieve anything in our lives. Our gurus teach us love, kindness, and devotion to God.


Watch this video to get a deeper understanding of these quotes.


Vivekananda Quote 5

5. Quote

A Guru shows us that everything big and small in the world is a part of God. We bow to that Guru for giving us this great knowledge.


अखण्डमण्डलाकारं व्याप्तं येन चराचरम्।

तत्पदं दर्शितं येन तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः।।

akhanda mandalaa kaaram vyaaptam yena charaacharam

tatpadam darshitam yena tasmai shree gurve namah

Source: Skanda Purana


Children, we should bow down to our teachers who have taught us the truth of god. God is the truth of the universe which might not be visible to us but is present in everything. We should always listen to our teachers because they are the equal to god and always guide us on the right path.



Vivekananda Quote 6

6. Quote

The Guru's intelligence removes our confusion and protects us from harm. It grants us our wishes. We bow to the Guru's intelligence with respect.


नालिका कनी काशपदाहृत्भ्यां नानाविमोहादिनिवारिकाभ्यां।

नमज्जनाभीष्टततिब्रदाभ्यां नमो नमः श्री गुरु पादुकाभ्यां॥

naalika kani kaashpadaa hritbhyaam naanaa vimohaadin ivaari kaabhyaam

namajjana abhishtatati bradaabhyaam

namo namah shree guru paadukaabhyaam

Source: Guru Paduka Strotam


Children, we should respect our teachers who free us from our invalid desires and greedy wishes, thereby selflessly fulfilling all our valid desires. We should be grateful to our teachers who want nothing in return for teaching us all the life skills and experiences.

To get a deeper understanding on these quotes read our books.

7. Quote

Let's stay safe and help each other. Let's work hard together and learn well. May we always find peace.


ॐ सह नाववतु। सह नौ भुनक्तु।

सह वीर्यं करवावहै। तेजस्वि नावधीतमस्तु मा विद्विषावहै॥

ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥

om saha nau vavatu, saha nau bhunkatu

saha re karvaavahe, tejasvinaa vidhitamastu,

maa vidvishaa vahe, om shanti shanti shanti

Source: Taittiriya Upanishads


Children, we should pray to god to protect our gurus and us from all the evil and keep us healthy. We must work together with energy and passion to get a fruitful outcome from our learnings. We should always respect our teachers and work well with them, without any conflicts or hard feelings.

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