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Ramayan ki chaupaiyan

Updated: Jul 4

कबीर दास के दोहे

The Ramayana is an ancient book written by the sage Valmiki in Sanskrit. He narrated the inspiring life of Lord Ram. Goswami Tulsidas composed the Ramcharitmanas in the Awadhi language, which is a retelling of the Ramayana. The Ramcharitmanas consists of 7 Kands (books) and 4608 chaupais.

myNachiketa presents eight Ramayana ki chaupaiyan for children, with simple meanings and impactful messages that praise the inspiring and divine character of Lord Ram. These verses teach us to live an ideal life filled with truth and goodness, just like Lord Ram.

Ramayan ki chaupaiyan 1

1. Chaupai

एक अनीह अरूप अनामा। अज सच्चिदानंद पर धामा॥

ब्यापक बिस्वरूप भगवाना। तेहिं धरि देह चरित कृत नाना॥

Ek aneeh aroop anama. Aj sachchidanand par dhama.

Byapak biswaroop Bhagwana. Tehin dhari deh charit krit nana.


This verse from the Ramayana says that God is the one who has no desires, no form, and no name. He is unborn, the symbol of truth, consciousness, bliss (Satchidananda), and the ultimate reality. The entire universe is an expansion of His form. This same God has taken the divine body and performed many sacred acts.


Children, just as God remains always happy without asking for anything, we should also not repeatedly ask our parents for new things. Instead, we should be content with whatever they lovingly give us.

Ramayan ki chaupaiyan 2

2. Chaupai

पुनि मन बचन कर्म रघुनायक। चरन कमल बंदउँ सब लायक॥राजीवनयन धरें धनु सायक। भगत बिपति भंजन सुखदायक॥

Puni man bachan karma raghunayak. Charan kamal bandau sab layak.

Rajivanayan dharen dhanu sayak. Bhagat bipati bhanjan sukhadayak.


In this verse from the Ramayana, Tulsidasji prays to Lord Shri Rama, who is lotus-eyed, carries a bow and arrow, and removes the sufferings of his devotees, bringing them happiness through his thoughts, words, and deeds.


We should always be grateful to God because He removes our troubles and keeps us happy.


Read our books to know more on these dohe.


Ramayan ki chaupaiyan 3

3. Chaupai

हरि अनंत हरि कथा अनंता। कहहिं सुनहिं बहुबिधि सब संता॥

रामचंद्र के चरित सुहाए। कलप कोटि लगि जाहिं न गाए॥

Hari anant Hari katha ananta. Kahahin sunahin bahubidhi sab santa.

Ramachandra ke charit suhaaye. Kalap koti lagi jaahin na gaaye.


God is infinite; He has neither a beginning nor an end, and His story is also infinite. All saints describe and listen to His story in various ways. No amount of time is enough to describe the beautiful character of God.


Children, knowledge is limitless, the more we learn the more is left to be learnt. Therefore, we should always strive to gain as much knowledge as possible.


Ramayan ki chaupaiyan 4

4. Chaupai

उभय अगम जुग सुगम नाम तें। कहेउँ नामु बड़ ब्रह्म राम तें॥

ब्यापकु एकु ब्रह्म अबिनासी। सत चेतन घन आनँद रासी॥

Ubhay agam jug sugam naam ten. Kaheun naamu bar Brahm Ram ten.

Byapaku ek Brahm abinasi. Sat chetan ghan aanand rasi.


Understanding God with form and without form is not easy, but by chanting His name, both forms can be easily known. This is why Tulsidasji says that God's name is greater than His visible and invisible forms. However, God is one, omnipresent, and eternal. He is truth (Sat), consciousness (Chit), and bliss (Ananda).


God is one but appears in different forms. By remembering God repeatedly, we can understand His true nature.

 Watch this video to get a deeper understanding on these dohe.


Ramayan ki chaupaiyan 5

5. Chaupai

सत्यसंध पालक श्रुति सेतू। राम जनमु जग मंगल हेतु॥

गुर पितु मातु बचन अनुसारी। खल दलु दलन देव हितकारी॥

Satyasandh palak shruti setu. Ram janamu jag mangal hetu.

Gur pitu matu bachan anusari. Khal dalu dalan dev hitakari.


In this verse from the Ramayana, Tulsidasji says that God follows the path of truth and follows the right principles. Lord Rama was born for the welfare of the people. He obeyed his guru, father, and mother, punished the wicked, and benefited the good.


We should always follow the path of truth like Lord Rama and listen to our teachers and parents.

Ramayan ki chaupaiyan 6

6. Chaupai

जा पर कृपा राम की होई। ता पर कृपा करहिं सब कोई ॥

जिनके कपट, दम्भ नहिं माया। तिनके हृदय बसहु रघुराया ॥

Ja par kripa Ram ki hoi. Ta par kripa karahin sab koi.

Jinake kapat, dambh nahin maya. Tinake hriday basahu RaghuRaya.


In this verse from the Ramayana, Tulsidasji says that those who have Lord Rama's grace never experience sorrow. God resides in the hearts of those who are free from dishonesty and falsehood.


If we always follow the path of truth and do good for others, we will surely find God.

Read our books to know more on these dohe.

Ramayan ki chaupaiyan 7

7. Chaupai

अगुण सगुण गुण मंदिर सुंदर, भ्रम तम प्रबल प्रताप दिवाकर । 

काम क्रोध मद गज पंचानन, बसहु निरंतर जन मन कानन।।

Agun sagun gun mandir sundar, bhram tam prabal prataap divakar.

Kaam krodh mad gaj panchanan, basahu nirantar jan man kaanan.


In this verse from the Ramayana, Tulsidasji praises the qualities of Lord Rama, saying that He is both with form and without form. His brilliance, like the sunshine, dispels the darkness of ignorance. He always resides in the hearts of His devotees.


We should develop qualities like God within ourselves through true knowledge.

Ramayan ki chaupaiyan 8

8. Chaupai

निज गुन श्रवन सुनत सकुचाहीं। पर गुन सुनत अधिक हरषाहीं॥

सम सीतल नहिं त्यागहिं नीती। सरल सुभाउ सबहि सन प्रीति॥

Nij gun shravan sunat sakuchaahi. Par gun sunat adhik harshaahi.

Sam seetal nahin tyagahin neeti. Saral subhau sabahi san preeti.


In this verse from the Ramayana, Tulsidasji says that wise people feel shy to hear about their own virtues but happy to hear about the virtues of others. They remain the same in happiness and sorrow, always supporting what is right. They are simple and loving.


We should not be proud of our virtues and always treat everyone with the best behaviour.

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