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Rigveda Mantras

Rigveda Mantras

The Rigveda, one of the oldest known scriptures in the world, is a collection of ancient hymns (suktas/poems) composed in Sanskrit. People believe it's more than 3,000 years old! These poems are about gods, prayers, and rituals from ancient India. 

Here are 5 Rigveda Mantras presented by myNachiketa that encourage unity, peace, harmonious living, and faith in God. Essential values for children to learn and understand.

Sangacchadhvam samvadadhvam sam vo manamsi janatham

1. Mantra

संगच्छध्वं संवदध्वं सं वो मनांसि जानताम्।

sangacchadhvam samvadadhvam sam vo manamsi janatham


Move together, speak together, let your minds be in harmony and understand each other. This verse encourages unity and harmony among people, emphasising the importance of coming together, communicating, and thinking collectively to achieve common goals.


We should not fight with our friends. When we work together as a team, we can achieve bigger goals and solve problems more easily.


ehi stomam abhisvarabhi grnihya ruva   brahma ch no vaso sachendra yajnam ch vardhaya

2. Mantra

एहि स्तोमाँ अभिस्वराभि गृणीह्या रुव।

ब्रह्म च नो वसो सचेन्द्र यज्ञं च वर्धय॥

ehi stomam abhisvarabhi grnihya ruva

brahma ch no vaso sachendra yajnam ch vardhaya


This Rigveda mantra says people who praise and worship God using knowledge or truth have the meanings of the Vedic mantras revealed in their hearts by God, who resides within them. This divine light gives them constant happiness, ensuring their knowledge and efforts never fade away.


We should be grateful to God for blessing us with a beautiful life and a wonderful world to live in. We should also be thankful for the wisdom to distinguish between right and wrong, which helps us make good choices.

Watch this video to get a deeper understanding on these mantras


adrau chidasma antardurone visam na visvo amritah svadhih

3. Mantra

अद्रौ चिदस्मा अन्तरदुरोणे विशां न विश्वो अमृतः स्वाधीः ॥

adrau chidasma antardurone visam na visvo amritah svadhih


This Rigveda mantra signifies the presence of God within all forms and places, highlighting the omnipresence and self-sufficiency of the God who resides within everything.


Just like how sunlight shines on everything around us, God is present in the trees, the animals, and even in you and me. It means that no matter where you are—at home, in school, or playing outside—God is always there with you, watching over and taking care of everything.


chikitvin manasam tva devam martas utaye   varenyasya te vas iyanaso amanmahi

4. Mantra

चिकित्विन्मनसं त्वा देवं मर्तास ऊतये।

वरेण्यस्य तेऽवस इयानासो अमन्महि॥

chikitvin manasam tva devam martas utaye

varenyasya te vas iyanaso amanmahi


This Rigveda mantra is a prayer to God for help and protection. It shows how grateful and respectful people are for the deity's support.


When we work on a puzzle and get stuck, we seek help from our friends or family. They don't solve the entire puzzle for us, but they guide us in the right direction. Similarly, God helps us solve our problems by giving us the knowledge to do the right thing.

Read our books to know more on these mantras.


tam sanavadhi jamayo harim hinvanti adribhih haryatam bhurichaksasam

5. Mantra

तं सानावधि जामयो हरिं हिन्वन्त्यद्रिभिः।

हर्यतं भूरिचक्षसम्॥

tam sanavadhi jamayo harim hinvanti adribhih

haryatam bhurichaksasam


This Rigveda mantra reflects on the role of God in the creation, sustenance, and dissolution of the world, emphasising the necessity of meditation for the direct realisation of the omniscient nature of God.


Just like a superhero is always there to save people and the world, God is always present within us to help us. We can feel His presence by practising meditation.

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