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Stories of Ganesha

Updated: Aug 30

Stories of Lord Ganesha

वक्रतुण्ड महाकाय सूर्यकोटि समप्रभ।

निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा॥

Ganesha, as bright as a million suns, please bless us and be kind enough to remove all difficulties in my struggles.

Ganesha, the son of Bhagwan Shiva and Devi Parvati, is a Hindu God. He is known to remove all the difficulties in his worshipper’s path. Ganesha is wise, kind, and intelligent. myNachiketa presents 5 interesting and meaningful stories of Ganesha. These stories will show you how Ganesha helps and guides us in amazing ways, teaching us valuable lessons along the way.


The Birth of Ganesha

The Birth of Ganesha

Bhagwan Shiva, and his wife, Devi Parvati were leading a happy life on Mount Kailash. One day, Devi Parvati was at home preparing for a bath.

As she didn’t want to be disturbed, she told Nandi, Shiva’s bull, “Don’t let anyone come inside.”

Nandi devotedly took this post, promising to carry out Parvati’s wishes. But, when Bhagwan Shiva came home and wanted to come inside, Nandi let him pass, as he was loyal to him. 

Parvati was disappointed as she had no one loyal to her as Nandi was to Shiva. So, she took turmeric paste and created a boy. She put life into him, declaring him her loyal son, Ganesha.

The next time Parvati wished to bathe, she made Ganesha guard her door. Soon, Shiva came home.

Ganesha told him that he could not enter the house. Shiva was puzzled as to why a strange boy was stopping him from entering his house. He ordered his army to remove the boy from there. But to Shiva’s surprise, his whole army failed in front of Ganesha.

Seeing this, Shiva decided to fight the boy himself. In his divine fury, he made Ganesha pay for his mistake. When Parvati learned of this, she was hurt and requested Shiva to take back the punishment.

Shiva asked Bhagwan Brahma to bring Ganesha to his previous state. Brahma came back with the head of an elephant and placed it onto Ganesha’s body. 

Breathing new life into him, Shiva declared him his son and embraced him.

Moral: So children, from this story we learn that we should not make decisions out of anger because it can harm our near and dear ones. Also, just like Bhagwan Shiva, we should accept our faults and correct them as soon as possible.


Ganesha at Kubera’s feast 

Ganesha at Kubera’s feast 

Once upon a time, Bhagwan Kubera, the god of wealth, decided to organize a grand feast. He decided to call all the gods on a great lunch. However, his real plan was to show off his wealth and luxurious life.

He decided to invite Bhagwan Shiva to his feast. 

Kubera pleaded, "Bhagwan, I am organizing a grand feast. I request you to attend it."

Shiva, knowing Kubera’s intentions, replied, "I won’t be able to attend your feast due to some reasons. But my dear son, Ganesha, will surely attend."

On the day of the feast, Kubera welcomed Ganesha at the door and took him inside his palace. He took Ganesha to the dining area. His cooks had prepared more than 500 delicious dishes. 

Everyone was amazed to see Ganesha as he ate all the food at once. Ganesha was asking for more food but nothing was left. He began eating the plates, chairs, tables, and vessels.

Kubera ran to Mount Kailash for Bhagwan Shiva’s help. Shiva advised him to offer Ganesha a bowl of rice with love and kindness.

Kubera went to his palace and humbly offered Ganesha a bowl of rice. Finally, Ganesha’s hunger was satisfied. Seeing this, Kubera learned the lesson of not being greedy and proud that Bhagwan Shiva was trying to teach him.

Moral: So children, from this story we learn that it is not right to show off our things in front of people. We should always be kind, having a great heart is all it takes to please God.


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Ganesha and Kartikeya’s Race

Ganesha and Kartikeya’s Race

One day, when Bhagwan Shiva and his family were spending quality time together, Narad Muni, a wise man, visited Mount Kailash. He gave Shiva and Parvati a golden mango. It looked juicy and delicious.

This special mango had the powers of knowledge and wisdom. Shiva and Parvati weren’t able to decide who should get the fruit, Ganesha or Kartikeya.

“Boys, here’s your challenge,” said Bhagwan Shiva. “The first to go around the world three times will win this mango.”

Ganesh had a mouse as his Vahan (vehicle) and Kartikeya had a peacock, which was strong and fast. 

Without thinking twice, Kartikeya jumped on his peacock’s back and flew high into the sky. Whereas, Ganesha sat calmly on his mouse and thought for a moment.

As Ganesha thought, Kartikeya came back and laughed, "I’ve been around the world already once, Ganesha! Better get going."

Ganesha had another idea. He stood up and circled his parents three times. Ganesha looked at their puzzled faces and said, ”You are my parents. You are my whole world! There is no need to go around the Earth when my universe resides in you, my dearest parents.”

Shiva and Parvati were not only surprised by Ganesha’s words but deeply touched by his sense of love and devotion. So, they gave Ganesha the golden mango.

After hearing what Ganesha did, Kartikeya felt blessed to have such a wise brother.

Moral: So children, from this story we learn that we should always think before we act and not make decisions in a hurry. Also, we should always stay devoted to our parents as they mean the world to us.


 Ganesha Chaturthi’s Moon (Story of Ganesh Chaturthi)

Ganesha Chaturthi’s Moon

One day, Ganesha was invited to a huge feast where many Devi and Devta were present. As all of Ganesha’s favourite dishes were prepared, he was very happy. He ate and ate until everything prepared for him was over which made Ganesha’s stomach huge.

He wrapped a snake around his belly to hide his big tummy and waited until night, so no one could see him get out. As he sat on his vahan, Mooshak( his mouse), was not able to handle Ganesha’s weight and he fell.

Suddenly, Ganesha heard someone laughing. He turned around. But to his surprise, there was no one. Then Ganesha lifted his head and saw the shining moon laughing at him.

“Ha! Ha! Ha! You fell.” laughed the moon.

Ganesha got embarrassed and decided to teach Moon a lesson. He said, ”If anyone looks at you on Ganesha Chaturthi, will be wrongly blamed.”

The moon realized his mistake and begged for an apology. After Ganesha cooled down, he felt guilty. He wanted to forgive the moon but a curse is irreversible.

Ganesha minimized the curse’s effects by claiming its cure. 

He said, ”If Anyone sees the moon on Ganesha Chaturthi by mistake can worship me while reciting mantras and I shall release him/her of this curse.”

Moral: So children, from this story we learn that we should not get angry and say words we cannot take back. Also, we should not laugh when someone gets hurt or else we will be punished.

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  Ganesha and the bowl of Kheer

Ganesha and the bowl of Kheer

Once a little boy was roaming around in a village asking someone to make a bowl of kheer from a fistful of rice and a spoonful of milk he had.

The villagers ignored him because they knew making kheer with so little rice and milk was impossible. But the boy did not lose hope and at last, a poor old woman agreed to make him the kheer.

The delighted boy thanked her and said, ”Please make this kheer in a big vessel.” The puzzled woman did so. She took the small amount of rice and milk with some sugar, and let it cook. The boy said, ”I am coming back in a while. Please don’t eat the kheer until then.”

The woman kept her promise but fell asleep while waiting for him. Later, she woke up and was surprised to see the big vessel full of kheer. Even though she was hungry, she did not eat it and waited for the boy.

When the boy didn’t return for days, she set a spoonful of kheer aside for the boy and ate the kheer left until she was full. After some time, the boy returned. The woman felt guilty about breaking her promise and asked for forgiveness. 

To this, the boy smiled and replied, ”I am Ganesha and you have not broken any promise. You have saved Kheer for me.”

Ganesha ate the spoonful of kheer the old woman had set aside for him. He gave her the boon of knowledge and health.”

Moral: So children, from this story we learn that we should be kind to everyone without asking for anything in return. Just like the old woman, we should never break our promise even if it is to a stranger.


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