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Atharva veda mantras

Atharva veda mantras

The Atharva Veda is one of the four important ancient Indian books called Vedas.

Here are 5 insightful mantras from the Atharv veda, each with a simple meaning and a profound message for children that teaches about the greatness of God. These teachings guide us to be wise and do good deeds, reminding us that God is everywhere.

ye trisaptah pariyanti visva rupani bibhratah vachaspati balah tesam tanvo adya dadhatu me

1. Mantra

ये त्रिषप्ताः परियन्ति विश्वा रूपाणि बिभ्रतः।

वाचस्पतिर्बला तेषां तन्वो अद्य दधातु मे ॥

ye trisaptah pariyanti visva rupani bibhratah

vachaspati balah tesam tanvo adya dadhatu me


May God bless me with the complete understanding of the essences, names, forms, powers, functions, and relationships of everything, right here and now.


Just as our teachers help us learn new things and solve our problems, God gives us the wisdom to understand ourselves and the world around us better.


ihaivaabhi vi tanubhe artni iva   jyaya vacaspati ni yachchhatu mayyevastu mayi shrutam

2. Mantra

इहैवाभि वि तनूभे आर्त्नी इव ज्यया।

वाचस्पतिर्नि यच्छतु मय्येवास्तु मयि श्रुतम् ॥

ihaivaabhi vi tanubhe artni iva

jyaya vacaspati ni yachchhatu mayyevastu mayi shrutam


This Atharva Veda mantra teaches that both the teacher and the student should enjoy the experience of learning and teaching. Much like how a perfectly stretched bowstring connects both ends of a bow, knowledge connects the teacher and the student. May God guide us on this journey, and let everything I hear and learn stay with me.


We should pray to God to bless us with teachers who enjoy teaching as much as we enjoy learning. May everything we learn stay with us forever.

Watch this video to get a deeper understanding on the meaning of these mantras.


divyo gandharvo bhuvanasya yaspati reka eva namasyo vikshvidyah  tam tva yaumi brahmana divya deva namaste astu divi te sadhastam

3. Mantra

दिव्यो गन्धर्वो भुवनस्य यस्पतिरेक एव नमस्यो विक्ष्वीड्यः।

तं त्वा यौमि ब्रह्मणा दिव्य देव नमस्ते अस्तु दिवि ते सधस्थम् ॥

divyo gandharvo bhuvanasya yaspati reka eva namasyo vikshvidyah

tam tva yaumi brahmana divya deva namaste astu divi te sadhastam


This Atharva veda mantra says that God is the one who controls the stars, planets, and everything in space. He is also the source of all knowledge and goodness. This supreme and kind Lord, Parameshvara, deserves our love and respect. We reach out to Him through the teachings of the Vedas. By completely trusting and honouring Him, we can feel His bright presence in our hearts and in the universe.


We are amazed by how our favourite superheroes can stop the rain, change the speed of planets, and crush asteroids. But did you know that God is the true superhero who controls everything in the universe? He guides the motion of planets, makes the stars shine, directs the flow of rivers, and so much more. God is the most powerful making Him the ultimate superhero.


sanjnanam nah svebhih sanjnanam arane bhih   sanjnanam ashvina yuvam ihasmasu ni yachchhatam

4. Mantra 

संज्ञानं नः स्वेभिः संज्ञानमरणेभिः।

संज्ञानमश्विना युवमिहास्मासु नि यच्छतम् ॥

sanjnanam nah svebhih sanjnanam arane bhih

sanjnanam ashvina yuvam ihasmasu ni yachchhatam


This Atharva veda mantra is a prayer to God to Grant us understanding with our own people and with strangers. O God bestow upon us this harmony and understanding.


Let's be kind and try to understand our friends and also people we don't know well. Just like God help everyone get along, we can work together to create harmony and understanding around us.

To learn more such mantras, read our special book.


yo bhutam ch bhavyam ca sarvam yash chadhitishthati swaryasya ch kevalam tasmai jyesthaya brahmane namah

5. Mantra 

यो भूतं च भव्यं च सर्वं यश्चाधितिष्ठति।

स्वर्यस्य च केवलं तस्मै ज्येष्ठाय ब्रह्मणे नमः ॥

yo bhutam ch bhavyam ca sarvam yash chadhitishthati swaryasya ch kevalam tasmai jyesthaya brahmane namah


This Atharva veda mantra teaches us to pay tribute to the One God who decides, rules, and watches over everything in the past, present, and future, and whose very being is pure light and joy.


We should be grateful to God that He cares for everything in the world. He watches over us, provides for our needs, and fills our lives with love and joy.  Let's always remember to thank Him for His endless kindness and care.

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